
Sunday, 30 October 2011

Latest Data Natural Phenomena: Animation Tsunami in Mentawai

tsunami is? This natural phenomenon is also known as tsunamis seismic sea wave is a series of huge waves caused by underwater disturbances in the sea such as earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, or meteor. The speed of tsunami waves can reach 1000 km / hour in the open sea with a height of 30 meters against the shore.

Indonesia which is the meeting place of three plates of the earth to be the main reason why the phenomenon of earthquake and tsunami disaster are common. An example is the tsunami that occurred in 2004 and the latest natural phenomena Mentawai tsunami. Both phenomena are equally tsunami preceded by earthquakes, which is 9.3 on the Richter Skara (SR) during the tsunami in Aceh and the tsunami Mentawai 7.2 magnitude. Until now there is no technology that can definitely predict when a tsunami coming.

From its center, tsunami waves can propagate in all directions. When waves approach the shore, while the lower depths of the ocean, tsunami waves will increasingly rising. Topography of the shoreline and deep water greatly affects the size of the waves. Because the form of seismic waves, a tsunami consists of more than one wave, and the next wave is usually larger than the previous one. That's why a small tsunami at one beach can suddenly turn into a giant wave a few moments later.

Natural phenomenon caused by earthquakes on the ocean floor plate movement is the most frequent cause a tsunami. If the earthquake is close to the beach, the first wave of a tsunami could reach the coast within a few minutes, even before a warning is issued.

Tsunami in the Mentawai


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